The Disorderlies Painting Blog

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Robert Post

Right. So here's what I want to be working on:

Warmachine - Cygnar and Mercs

Warhammer 40,000 - Tyranids.

My Cygnar I'm planning to go with the standard blue schema. I'm looking at Reaper's BRIGHT BLUE paint currently and plan to try that.

Mercs - I've got the Magnus battlebox primed up and ready. I am considering a purple look for these guys - sort of a "faded royalty" feel. I am not sure on this yet.

Tyranids - This army has been partially painted by Damon and then Tim. Tim has assured me that it will be easy for me to paint - DESPITE previous evidence to the contrary when using the words "easy" and "paint" in the same sentence as "Rob". Still, I'm going to give it a try, because no one else wants to paint for me.

I've been on an assembling kick lately - Tyranids, Dark Elves, and before that, a lot of Warmachine stuff. I finally broke out the black primer over the weekend and got started with that. Warmachine stuff is a bitch to prime effectively when assembled - I spent a good portion of time last night manually fixing problem areas with just some Reaper black paint.

Tonight, I hope, I can start basecoating the blue on my Cygnar.



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