The Disorderlies Painting Blog

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Sleep? Who needs that crap?!

Thanks to a pressing school project on Global Positioning Satellites (Can someone please tell me what the hell GPS systems have to do with Biodefense?!) I enjoyed a rousing night of insomnia. As the clock turned over to 2:30 I decided I'm better off with 2 hours of crappy sleep rather than another 2 hours and breaking REM sleep to get to work. So I did what any reasonable gamer would do in this instance. Got my ass up and painted.

So my first Troll Impaler got himself an extra 1.5 hours or so of solid painting on him, clocking him up to about 2 hours between yesterday and today. In that time I've got him nearly completed. Sure he doesn't look done yet, and I probably have another 1 - 1.5 hours on him. But I'm pleased with how he's coming out. Right now I need to finish off his straps and other minor details. The bulk of the painting and layering is done. He should easily be done by the weekend. I'll probably hold off photos until I get a full group shot in at the end.

After this guy it's time to fix up my drinking Troll axer buddy, with a brand new dragon head stein!


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