The Disorderlies Painting Blog

Monday, June 11, 2007

Productive weekend or How I hate comcast

So, this weekend turned out to be.. not what I expected.

First it was a "this sounds like it will be an interesting weekend", then it was a "Ok, going to be a normal weekend chilling, playing some WoW, doing some painting, and a little productivity", then it was a "Damn it, comcast sucks but guess I'll do something and be productive instead of my regular weekend self". Though the plans got changed, I guess it wasn't a bad weekend really.

This weekends productivity was brought to you by comcast blowing my internet connection 15 minutes after I got home on Friday and it won't possible be fixed till Tuesday.

I have picked up some of the P3 paints and I have to say.. They actually work great for the mood I've been in recently with painting. I am pulling straight from the pot, maybe thinning a little on th e brush with some water and straight to fig. The darker the color the more I will thin it before applying. But I didn't have to pull out the dropper, mix it, thin it, etc. For what I was trying to get done, it got done with the P3's. That is a big seller for now.

The dropper paints I'll use when I want to do the high details, fine work on some models but for a "get it on table" look this worked out great.

So my weekend progress report:

Unit 1 of Trollblood champions = Done. This was done before the weekend but figured I would throw it in.

Unit of Pygmy bushwackers = Done.

Unit of Farrow Brigands = Done. (minus basing but I need to mix up new glue mix for it)

Unit of Druids = started base coating. These guys look like they will be simple, highlighting and shading will really make them with the robes and cloaks.

Troll Axer = 75% done

Assembling of 1 woldwatcher = Done

Assembling of Morvanne = Done.


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