The Disorderlies Painting Blog

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Painting Motivation Oh my...

For the past year and a half, I've been a lazy a.. gimp when it comes to painting. So, some motivation would probably help.

With my painting style (working on one fig till it's done for best results), I really don't work well on units which is not that big of a deal since I'm mostly on small forces scale games right now.

Right now on the project order list:

  • Drunes(conf) (*cough*notmine*cough*)
-- Working off a trade with these. I had them painted so they were ok, but I wanted better.. after several tries.. I kept about 7 and dipped about 8 or 9. Time to try again.

  • Samurai goblins(conf)
-- I'm in the mood to convert these guys up into a DoW looking force. More putty, more wear and tear. Really need to decide how I want them laid out. Right now people like the bamboo look bases I'm going for.

  • Khador (warmachine)
-- I only have one force righ now (pieces for others but they don't count) so it is time I finish them up. Most of the army I'm happy with and almost done. Need to finish up Karchev and a mortar.

And another endless list of things..

Right now, I'm going through a "1 hour a night" challenge with Rob. Pictures will follow.


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