priorities, state of the union

1. Warmachine (Cygnar, Mercs) (2)
2. 40k (Imperial Guard, Inquisition) - Playing around with armylists for the MegaBattle, I kind of fell for the Inquisition all over. And learned a bunch about how to use them. So, yeah, definitely here to stay. Including Sisters.
3. StarGrunt (OUDF, Kra'vak, more) - I'm planning to hit GZG-ECC next February, so might as well get crackin' (3). And have recently uncovered that Mr. Sawez has an army he's itching to try out, so, yeah.
4. Urban War (Triad) - No, I haven't technically played a game yet. I will. And either way, them's some nice figs, that I could use for loads of games. Loads.
Anything I'm forgetting?
(1) - Star Wars and Heroclix excepted, for obvious reasons.
(2) - At this point, I think I am holding off on Hordes. I don't like enough of the models for any one army. I still like Everblight's backstory the best, though the Circle is running a close second. After 6-9 months of the release, I'm sure I'll have a better idea, or a better use for my cash. Heh. Until such time, I can beat up your beasties with my warjacks and bullets, anyways.
(3) - Bringing an army of Star Wars figs to GZG-ECC also. Probably Empire.
Man, Daemonhunters. Hard to do well, but the daemonhosts...delicious like angry makeup sex.
Imam Sawez, at 4:57 PM, June 03, 2006
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