What is a reasonable amount of time to finish a figure???
If you can’t tell I’m actually trying, once again, to keep the Blog updated. I’m motivated to paint now, just no damn time, which seems to be complicating my attempts to finish figures. It’s gotten to the point I’ve completely given up my painting desk in my office. My new Painting space is at the coffee table in the living room adjacent to the TV. Now since it’s on the coffee table I’m sitting on the floor and catching whatever time I can to work on the miniatures.
Now this set up is made even better by the three canine companions on the floor with me. I’ve got: Faust AKA “90 pound lap dog”, Vlad AKA “Lick it until it bleeds” and Tasha AKA “Play with the human on the floor”
Despite these three the only place I’m making any painting progress is sitting on the floor of the family room working on the Trolls. Since Monday I’ve had a total or 3 hours to paint. Half of that was in the wee hours of the morning when I couldn’t sleep. It looks more and more like the only opportunities I have to paint are 30minutes here and there, and I’d rather be with my wife then anyway. So maybe this weekend I’ll have some more time to sit on the floor, fending the dogs away from me, enjoy watching some Battlestar Galactica, Robot Chicken, or some movies on the TV. Looking more and more like my painting “studio” will be relegated for use on high quality figs for the sake of painting, not supporting my growing gaming enthusiasm!
Of course while trying to do this I spend more time thinking… “These things take forever to paint” So what’s a reasonable amount of time to spend on a tabletop figure. Even on Privateer infantry unit I’m spending probably 4 hours on each fig. Sure I’m mass painting 6-10 at a time but the whole unit take anywhere from 24 – 40 hours of painting time.
God I need AT-43 and/or Battlefield Evolution to finally get here!
Now this set up is made even better by the three canine companions on the floor with me. I’ve got: Faust AKA “90 pound lap dog”, Vlad AKA “Lick it until it bleeds” and Tasha AKA “Play with the human on the floor”
Despite these three the only place I’m making any painting progress is sitting on the floor of the family room working on the Trolls. Since Monday I’ve had a total or 3 hours to paint. Half of that was in the wee hours of the morning when I couldn’t sleep. It looks more and more like the only opportunities I have to paint are 30minutes here and there, and I’d rather be with my wife then anyway. So maybe this weekend I’ll have some more time to sit on the floor, fending the dogs away from me, enjoy watching some Battlestar Galactica, Robot Chicken, or some movies on the TV. Looking more and more like my painting “studio” will be relegated for use on high quality figs for the sake of painting, not supporting my growing gaming enthusiasm!
Of course while trying to do this I spend more time thinking… “These things take forever to paint” So what’s a reasonable amount of time to spend on a tabletop figure. Even on Privateer infantry unit I’m spending probably 4 hours on each fig. Sure I’m mass painting 6-10 at a time but the whole unit take anywhere from 24 – 40 hours of painting time.
God I need AT-43 and/or Battlefield Evolution to finally get here!
I'm finding it takes me more and more time to finish minis. I'm not sure why, but it seems hard for me to call a miniature "done."
Aaron, at 1:04 PM, November 24, 2006
I am in the same painting mindset... I am back in the mood for some gaming but I don't feel like spending the time painting the figs because I don't want to do a halfass job but don't want to spend the x hours needed to get it close to finished.
And then after I'm finished, I tend to look at the figure and go.. .I could do better...
Anonymous, at 1:49 PM, November 27, 2006
My problem is getting the motivation to put the final "finish" on a miniature. The last highlights on straps, trinkets, and the minute detail. Once I get the large areas based and hihglighted I quickly lose interest in the figure.
So far I'm holding on pretty well on my progress. The axer is done except for two minor areas (wrist strap highlighting, and the troll whelp in the bag) After that I need to polish off the custom Impaler Jeff Scultped up.
Stahler77, at 4:26 PM, November 27, 2006
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