The Long and the Short of it (Goals)
Short Term
In the next 3 weeks I need to finish 8 figures. I’ve been working off a personal painting challenge since September-ish as a way to keep myself motivated to paint over the fall and winter months. Eventually the goal came to 37 figures by April 22nd, a ridiculous amount of time to paint 37 figs. Well here I am on the last 3 weeks and I’ve got 8 to go. Shows how well that worked.
So in the next 3 weeks I intend to finish the following
• Warmachine
o Boomhowler
o Reinholdt
o Ordic Pistoleer
• War Gods Olympus
o Mycean Titan Hunter
• Urban War
o 2x Androsynths with Grape Guns
o Artemis Class Biomech
Last fig is still open depending on how much time the previous seven have taken.
Long Term
As many of us know Privateer Press is releasing HORDES in the next few weeks and I intend for this to take the bulk of my painting attention over the summer, in addition to the damn home projects that my wife keeps throwing on me. On April 22nd I will be diving head first into 2 factions right off the bat: Skorne and Trollblood. The long term goal is to stay on top of the Skorne Releases and Build myself up to a nice 500 point army painted by the end of summer, with the Trollbloods falling a little behind the Skorne
This of course depends on PP release schedule which we all know to operate exactly like the prophecies of Nostradamus. You can’t predict shit with it, but in hind sight they make perfect sense and can apply to numerous situations.
In the next 3 weeks I need to finish 8 figures. I’ve been working off a personal painting challenge since September-ish as a way to keep myself motivated to paint over the fall and winter months. Eventually the goal came to 37 figures by April 22nd, a ridiculous amount of time to paint 37 figs. Well here I am on the last 3 weeks and I’ve got 8 to go. Shows how well that worked.
So in the next 3 weeks I intend to finish the following
• Warmachine
o Boomhowler
o Reinholdt
o Ordic Pistoleer
• War Gods Olympus
o Mycean Titan Hunter
• Urban War
o 2x Androsynths with Grape Guns
o Artemis Class Biomech
Last fig is still open depending on how much time the previous seven have taken.
Long Term
As many of us know Privateer Press is releasing HORDES in the next few weeks and I intend for this to take the bulk of my painting attention over the summer, in addition to the damn home projects that my wife keeps throwing on me. On April 22nd I will be diving head first into 2 factions right off the bat: Skorne and Trollblood. The long term goal is to stay on top of the Skorne Releases and Build myself up to a nice 500 point army painted by the end of summer, with the Trollbloods falling a little behind the Skorne
This of course depends on PP release schedule which we all know to operate exactly like the prophecies of Nostradamus. You can’t predict shit with it, but in hind sight they make perfect sense and can apply to numerous situations.
You failed to mention where my Trolls come in...
Robert Allen , at 5:19 PM, April 04, 2006
Yeah it's odd how that happens.
Stahler77, at 7:21 AM, April 05, 2006
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