Painting Desk nightmare
Although I have my own office at the house, my space dedicated to painting is entirely too small. This is a hold over from my last painting space in my Town House basement. However as I sat down to paint last night I discovered a key problem. I had no place to actually paint on my painting Table!
I've got a 4' by 2' folding table which is my dedictaed painting space. 1 Corner is occupied by my huge Red painting chest, perfect for taking painting on the road. Another corner is occupied with tools, paint brushes and Reaper Master Series paints, as well as my "bitz" box. This leaves me about 4 square feet total to work with, in an ideal situation. However as I looked at my sapce last night I realized had maybe, maybe 1 Square foot! I probably had 60 bottels of paint laying out, several miniatures taking up space, bags of static grass and ballast (for basing) and god knows what else. Now I don't know about you guys. But if my painting space is cramped nothing is going to get accomplished.
So my progress for yesterday? Cleaning the painting desk
I've got a 4' by 2' folding table which is my dedictaed painting space. 1 Corner is occupied by my huge Red painting chest, perfect for taking painting on the road. Another corner is occupied with tools, paint brushes and Reaper Master Series paints, as well as my "bitz" box. This leaves me about 4 square feet total to work with, in an ideal situation. However as I looked at my sapce last night I realized had maybe, maybe 1 Square foot! I probably had 60 bottels of paint laying out, several miniatures taking up space, bags of static grass and ballast (for basing) and god knows what else. Now I don't know about you guys. But if my painting space is cramped nothing is going to get accomplished.
So my progress for yesterday? Cleaning the painting desk
I find I have to occasionally clean off as well or I won't be ery productive.
To that end, I have a very dedicated space on my desk that is for nothing other than my pallet, rinse water and minis.
I use an 18x24" (I think) cutting surface mat as my delineated painting space. Nothing else goes on there - the models that are in progress go on the shelf above the area.
Aaron, at 1:19 PM, April 27, 2006
I use a sheet of newspaper as the base for what I paint over. Typically I like to leave this space free of everything but my Ceramic tile and the current miniature I'm working on. In variably I end up encroaching on this space as I pull out more and more paint bottles for different miniature projects.
Stahler77, at 1:45 PM, April 27, 2006
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