The Disorderlies Painting Blog

Monday, April 24, 2006

Progress, at last!

So, this Saturday and Sunday, I finally got around to working on some minis again.

Saturday, I cleaned and drilled Kaya and the Warwolf while at DW playing some Arkham Horror. Cool - the models look good and are pretty clean.

I also got to finish the reds on Karchev and the Kodiak.

Sunday - cleaned and pinned the Argi and assembled the Warwolf - now they just need greenstuffed and they will be ready for priming - I hope to get that on tonight.

I also got the first layer of Greys on the Khador.

Good times.



  • In general I think that the Warbeasts while require greater care in assembling, filling, and painting then Warjacks. I always saw warjacks as quick paint jobs. Large armor areas that went down pretty quick. Warbeasts seem to have alot mroe fiddly bits.

    Hey Aaron how big is that Warpwolf after it's assembled?

    By Blogger Stahler77, at 2:51 PM, April 24, 2006  

  • About the size of a Kodiak, roughly. Though it is more sleak. I'll try and take a comparrison pic tonight.


    By Blogger Aaron, at 4:07 PM, April 24, 2006  

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