The Disorderlies Painting Blog

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

The Return : part 2

Ok, I'll try to come back to the blog and painting.

I haven't painted jack in several months. I went through a pretty full blown gaming burnout but that is finally passing over.

But I'm moving this weekend so no painting for a while.

What I will instead do is list (kind of like new year resolutions) what my major goals will try and be in the painting/gaming things.

1) GenCon 2007 - Yes, I'm making the plans to go. So hopefully not losing a job or something I am looking to play in a Warmachine or hordes tourny. I have been speaking with Rob it sounds like a 500 point Hordes tourny might be the way to go. I haven't decided if I will stick with Trollbloods or try skorne.. so either way


500 point Horde Army (x2 since I will make sure Rob has an army IF he assures me he is going)
750 points Khador Warmachine Army

2) Tournies - I'm going to try and get out to the local warmachine/horde tournies to help prepare for GenCon. (high)

3) Eldar army - For 40k. Yes I'm back and willing to play it again. Will try to update it and probably repaint a fair amount. (low)

4) Tau army - For 40k. Yea, same thing as eldar. (low)

5) Skaven army - For Fantasy. I have a really good asian theme going with them and I just need to go the extra steps to finally get it all finished. (medium)

6) Confrontation - Goblins (because samurats are cool), Dwarves and undead will be my focused armies... (speaking of Dirz.. I think someone still has mine from the last gencon). Plus stuff of Rob's I need to paint. I don't suspect this game will be played more often right now so it is ranked low for me. (low)

Next update maybe in a week after I get a chance to unpack some stuff.


  • I'm going.

    And it's amusing that now you are moving further away we're talking more about gaming than in recent memory. We'll see how it works out in reality I guess.

    By Blogger Robert Allen , at 3:12 PM, November 28, 2006  

  • I'm once again considering going this year. Not sure I want to dedicate the time and energy to make a solid showing though.

    By Blogger Stahler77, at 8:40 AM, November 29, 2006  

  • Seems like a strange way to look at it. You are basing a decision to go and have fun at an unparrelled convention experience on whether or not you want to pour time and energy into making your models as pretty as possible?

    By Blogger Robert Allen , at 9:59 AM, November 29, 2006  

  • One thing I learned is to get me more active in something, the trick is to move me far away from it... Not sure how that works.

    By Blogger Karavak, at 10:30 AM, November 29, 2006  

  • The decision to go is based on time and effort for several things

    Painting for tournament play: Yes I have an interest in making my stuff look good, but as demonstrated previously thats not a breaker for me

    Getting good at the game: It takes time and effort to get solidly good at the game and your force to make a solid showing at the tournament.

    Painting Competition piece(s): I have no dillusions that I could actually *WIN* one of the various painting competitions going on during GenCon, but at the least I would demand my work to be worthy of entry and "make a solid showing"

    And those are the top three things I am interested in partaking of at the convention.

    By Blogger Stahler77, at 11:40 AM, November 29, 2006  

  • You'd think as much as you suck you'd learn to enjoy failure.

    In which case Gen Con could be your BEST WEEK EVER.

    By Blogger Robert Allen , at 12:24 PM, November 29, 2006  

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