The Disorderlies Painting Blog

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

1 hour challenge : Day 1 : Drunes

First night, I wanted to call a rain delay...

I had to go prime in the laundry room of my apartment, I bet management would not like that much if they found out..

So I kept the priming light, which meant I had to do a fair amount of brush on primer.

I'm going with a white primer since I like to be able to see the details well and, at least for me, they can get lost on black primer.

I also started working on the new bases for them. Using some standard cork for rocks and maybe some twigs or something since the Drunes are suppose to be in a big dark forest I think.


  • I’ve discovered Laundry room priming to be bad… always bad. Like when we went to move and over spray from blood angles *cough-not-mine* was to be found through out most of the basement.

    No more basement laundry room spraying for me!

    By Blogger Stahler77, at 11:51 AM, April 04, 2006  

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