1 hour challenge : hour 3.5 : Drunes
So it turn's out it's "5 hours of painting this week" challenge"
I put the female drune off to the side since once the skin is done on her most of the other work will be NMM and some bone or wood? Not exactly sure what she is holding in her hand.
The male drune is going well. I am really liking the black->grey skin tones. It is really making the exposed skin part stands out.
I continued working on the leather (I actually need to start writing down the colors and mixes I use). When I paint something I normally will start with the Middle color and then paint shaded part's followed by highlighted parts. It seems the easy way to go through the blending on the various parts.
Important note.. Rob stop glueing things together before others paint them.. His axe is block a fair section of his body and I have been unable to pop the axe off with out messing up the figure.
I put the female drune off to the side since once the skin is done on her most of the other work will be NMM and some bone or wood? Not exactly sure what she is holding in her hand.
The male drune is going well. I am really liking the black->grey skin tones. It is really making the exposed skin part stands out.
I continued working on the leather (I actually need to start writing down the colors and mixes I use). When I paint something I normally will start with the Middle color and then paint shaded part's followed by highlighted parts. It seems the easy way to go through the blending on the various parts.
Important note.. Rob stop glueing things together before others paint them.. His axe is block a fair section of his body and I have been unable to pop the axe off with out messing up the figure.
I'm still alternating between
Paint midtone - place shadows - work back up to highlights.
Thin shadow color - work my way up to the highlights.
As for Rob's Glue bagging - Before you start slapping the acrylic paint on, if you brush acetone (or non-"odor free" Nail polish remover) to weaken the Super glue bond you can likely get the axe off without breaking the Rackham brittle metal.
Stahler77, at 8:56 AM, April 07, 2006
I've been pretty consistently working up from the shadow layer to the highlight ever since I switched to Vallejos and better brushes.
On that topic, what are you guys using for your main brushes? I'm almost exclusively with W&N Series 7 minis now (1 and 2 getting the workhorse load with a 0 and 3 in there as needed).
Aaron, at 9:23 AM, April 07, 2006
W&N series 7 all the way. I've got a few of their "mini" brushes as well as thier standard brushes. I've found that I like having both lengths of brushes available. I would say with infantry painting my Size 0 gets the most use. Jacks get mostly Size 1.
Oddly I still have a good number of Armor brushes which hold up great! Although they do not have a fine point they are excellent for base coating wide surfaces.
Stahler77, at 10:47 AM, April 07, 2006
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