The Disorderlies Painting Blog

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

1 hour challenge : Day 2 : Drunes

Putting brush to figure time oh yea...

The first two figures I'm working on is one of the drune chicks..
no clothes.. some metal(?) wrapped around her.. holding sticks to punch with..

And what I think is a named guy. Looks like a persecutor but bigger and more important looking.

I start at the lowest level and start working up. So in this case it was skin. The guy didn't take very long but the chick is all skin and I'll have to finish her up tonight.

I was doing a dark grey to grey higlights but overall thought this left the figures very netural. So this time I'm going black to sharp grey highlights. I'm trying not to over do the blending since I want it to be a sharp separation at the highlights.

no pics today.


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