Wednesday Night progress - The Christmas Chaos Spawn!

So begins my way of disappointing the crowd. Yesterday I indicated pictures may be up of Boomhowler and the Mycean Titan Hunter. Well that didn’t happen, as a favor to the initiator of this blog I photographed and wrote up a tutorial on how he can paint his Tyranids. This would typically be somewhat problematic since I don't actually own any Tyranids, but I managed around that by diving through my stack of Reaper figs to find a suitable surrogate. Reaper Warlord Devourer of Musharraf, which will eventually be used as a chaos spawn in my Thousand Sons Army for 40k. The whole process took me 2 ½ hours from the time the first coat of primer went on to the final brushstroke completed, including time to allow the primer to dry.
The technique is quite simple and works wonderfully on any creature full of Bone and exposed Muscle to get a quick table top miniature completed. Dry Brush the whole fig with Reaper Pro Series Hill Giant Brown, followed up with Reaper Pro Series White Leather, then Wash your colors in, and possibly a final highlight dry brushing in the appropriate color. In hind sight I should have used purple for the Tentacles, but instead I’ve got the Christmas Chaos spawn.
Now bear with me as I try to upload the picture
Looks good, Tim - what camera are you using for your pics?
Aaron, at 1:17 PM, April 06, 2006
I'll check when I get home, It getting to be a pretty dated camera though (bought new in 2001)
Stahler77, at 7:03 AM, April 07, 2006
I'm currently using the Olympus Camedia 3.3 Megapixel Camera.
Stahler77, at 6:49 PM, April 07, 2006
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