Weekend Progress -Tim
Despite a busy weekend I still managed to be fairly productive. Playing the Bug out Boogey from work at about 12:30 on Friday, I got to prime, and paint, all my custom bases for the Skorne Warpack Models. I’m using 1/8” and 1/4” cork plus some aquarium gravel as the basis, then painting them up in a red desert motif. I still need to add some selective static grass in some of the crevices, to really pop some more detail on the base. I also went through and finished off a GW inquisitor model for the BLOG INITIATOR, special request brought up on Friday for yet another one of those figs that has been ½ finished and staring at me for upwards of 2 years now. Of more important news I received word from on high that Privateer actually finally came through for their Press Gangers. So I headed up to Columbia and grabbed myself a big ole box o’ Skorne!
Got home in the evening and started up with the assemblage! As fair warning, andy one picking up the Skorne or Everblight Warpacks will have fun assembling either the Titan Gladiator or the Carnivean. I, mostly, followed the assembly instructions for the titan located in NQ#4. In the end I wish I had better skill with sculpting green stuff. Although there was little that needed to be done, the miniature will, in the end, be worse off for my inept sculpting capabilities. But to the good and juicy details, the titan is wonderfully executed. If you like the model concept the work in hand is great, but a pain to put together. However if you use a fair amount of green stuff as filler, structural support and for its adhesive qualities, The mini comes together nicely, and is solid. Once I finish the first one, pictures will be posted for all.
Got home in the evening and started up with the assemblage! As fair warning, andy one picking up the Skorne or Everblight Warpacks will have fun assembling either the Titan Gladiator or the Carnivean. I, mostly, followed the assembly instructions for the titan located in NQ#4. In the end I wish I had better skill with sculpting green stuff. Although there was little that needed to be done, the miniature will, in the end, be worse off for my inept sculpting capabilities. But to the good and juicy details, the titan is wonderfully executed. If you like the model concept the work in hand is great, but a pain to put together. However if you use a fair amount of green stuff as filler, structural support and for its adhesive qualities, The mini comes together nicely, and is solid. Once I finish the first one, pictures will be posted for all.
Is that sarcasm, Mr. Kilgore?
Or do they really go together pretty easy?
I'm still debating on which box to pick up - the only thing I know for sure is that it won't be the Trollbloods.
Aaron, at 1:36 PM, April 17, 2006
Actually it did go together pretty easily. It did take time but in the end it was not difficult. The Combo or Super Glue and Yellow/Green epoxy went pretty well.
Stahler77, at 3:05 PM, April 17, 2006
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