Thy name is Motivation.... Where art thou
Apparently Tuesdays are not productive nights for the Disorderly painters, even with the gaming Mecca being closed up last night. With class Monday and Tuesday nights I'm SOL on the painting, only 4 more classes to go though and then I should be operating on a fairly regular basis.
So as I look over my painting desk last night yeah even though I lack the time to paint I am still drawn towards its siren call) I notice I've got a handful of figures I've started and then abandoned for one reason or another. Plus I've always got that new unit that has already been cleaned and primed for a game, but still hasn't seen paint. Then there are the precious ones. Minis that I acquired for (the sole reason to paint, and yet they still sit in Blisters or the rare few attached to semi precious stone as a mounting base, ready for my full, undivided attention, that never quite materializes.
Off the top of my head these are the figs staring at me for having started and then left them greener pastures.
Sered Templar Commander, 3x Warriors of Blood
Privateer Press
Reinholdt Gobber Speculator, Ordic Pistolleer
3x Line Khazaks
Sacred Blade
Divine Spirit
War Gods Olympus
Mycean Titian Hunter
I can’t possibly be the only one this happens to. What do you guys have staring at you that demands your attention?
So as I look over my painting desk last night yeah even though I lack the time to paint I am still drawn towards its siren call) I notice I've got a handful of figures I've started and then abandoned for one reason or another. Plus I've always got that new unit that has already been cleaned and primed for a game, but still hasn't seen paint. Then there are the precious ones. Minis that I acquired for (the sole reason to paint, and yet they still sit in Blisters or the rare few attached to semi precious stone as a mounting base, ready for my full, undivided attention, that never quite materializes.
Off the top of my head these are the figs staring at me for having started and then left them greener pastures.
Sered Templar Commander, 3x Warriors of Blood
Privateer Press
Reinholdt Gobber Speculator, Ordic Pistolleer
3x Line Khazaks
Sacred Blade
Divine Spirit
War Gods Olympus
Mycean Titian Hunter
I can’t possibly be the only one this happens to. What do you guys have staring at you that demands your attention?
All of the shit I put off last week has caught up with me.
Hopefully next week, painting time will return.
Robert Allen , at 8:10 AM, April 14, 2006
Good luck with that. I know I can no longer whimsically hope painting time will return, I now have to schedule it in.
Stahler77, at 9:47 AM, April 14, 2006
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