Little overdue for an update but so what…
Finished off the first 6 Everblight Swordsmen, but didn’t get around to finishing up Thagrosh last week. Over the course of this week and next I’m looking to polish off Thagrosh, 2 Shredders, and possibly Vayl. Additionally I’ll be starting up on the Everblight Archers. Beginning with assembly…
Whoever designed these miniatures needs to be dragged out to the West Virginia woods for a “hunting” weekend with John. The archers are equipped with bows and swords. In the interest in figure diversity the sculptor has two of the figure from the box set with swords drawn and the remainder only holding bows. For additional detail the archers have quivers full of arrows as well as sword scabbards to be put on them. In the interest of representational accuracy the blighted elves holding their swords should not have a sword hilt sticking out of the scabbard, and the elves only holding bows should have the sword hilt sticking out of the scabbard. I would think the “best” way to do this is to supply 6 scabbards with sword hilts sticking out. That way 4 can be slapped right onto the model and the other two could have the hilt chopped off by those interested in that level of accuracy. Instead somebody found a MUCH BETTER way to do this. I envision this happened in a way similar to the Guinness beer commercials:
Poorly animated character 1: I’ve got an idea how to make these scabbards for the Everblight archers!
Poorly animated character 2: How’s that?
PAC1: If we make a separate sprue containing a scabbard and a separate hilt the two with swords drawn don't need to have the cut hilt off!
Except then you need to glue on the hilts to the scabbards for the other 4-8 in the unit. So I spent last night assembling Everblight archers and by assembling I mean pinning 4 hilts to scabbards taking up my available time for miniature work last night. Had they done something reasonable with these figs (like making the scabbard and hilt a one piece cast) I could have had all the archers assembled, mold lines cleaned, remove all the flow channels, and even get them scrubbed up to removes the last traces of mold releaser. With that flat joint there is no way the glue would hold for any significant amount of transport. So a-pinning I went.
In other news I just did a figure check of all my Trollblood figs. Of my entire collection of Trollblood figs I only have Madrak unpainted, and Doomshaper not finished. I’m so close to having my entire collection of one force fully painted. I need to accomplish this beore I pick up Fellcallers, Pyre trolls and Dire Troll Blitzers!
Whoever designed these miniatures needs to be dragged out to the West Virginia woods for a “hunting” weekend with John. The archers are equipped with bows and swords. In the interest in figure diversity the sculptor has two of the figure from the box set with swords drawn and the remainder only holding bows. For additional detail the archers have quivers full of arrows as well as sword scabbards to be put on them. In the interest of representational accuracy the blighted elves holding their swords should not have a sword hilt sticking out of the scabbard, and the elves only holding bows should have the sword hilt sticking out of the scabbard. I would think the “best” way to do this is to supply 6 scabbards with sword hilts sticking out. That way 4 can be slapped right onto the model and the other two could have the hilt chopped off by those interested in that level of accuracy. Instead somebody found a MUCH BETTER way to do this. I envision this happened in a way similar to the Guinness beer commercials:
Poorly animated character 1: I’ve got an idea how to make these scabbards for the Everblight archers!
Poorly animated character 2: How’s that?
PAC1: If we make a separate sprue containing a scabbard and a separate hilt the two with swords drawn don't need to have the cut hilt off!
Except then you need to glue on the hilts to the scabbards for the other 4-8 in the unit. So I spent last night assembling Everblight archers and by assembling I mean pinning 4 hilts to scabbards taking up my available time for miniature work last night. Had they done something reasonable with these figs (like making the scabbard and hilt a one piece cast) I could have had all the archers assembled, mold lines cleaned, remove all the flow channels, and even get them scrubbed up to removes the last traces of mold releaser. With that flat joint there is no way the glue would hold for any significant amount of transport. So a-pinning I went.
In other news I just did a figure check of all my Trollblood figs. Of my entire collection of Trollblood figs I only have Madrak unpainted, and Doomshaper not finished. I’m so close to having my entire collection of one force fully painted. I need to accomplish this beore I pick up Fellcallers, Pyre trolls and Dire Troll Blitzers!
You have the champions already?
I thought skorne was going to be your big faction.
Karavak, at 11:21 AM, December 14, 2006
No Champions yet. I’m sure I’ll get them eventually but not concerned with them immediately. Once I got the customized Axer and Impaler back from Jeff my painting interest switched over to Trollbloods. I was having a very difficult time painting up the Skorne so decided to give them a break. The original "True Cygnar Blue" color scheme I wanted didn't work out and then it morphed a few times. I just couldn't get it to look in.
I think I've got a decent color scheme now though, Imperial Purple and a nice Brown Green linen. I have not tried it past the first 6 praetorians though.
Stahler77, at 12:41 PM, December 14, 2006
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