The Disorderlies Painting Blog

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Unified Skorne Color Theory

Well with the notional thought of a fully painted Skorne / Magnus Assault on a Cygnar outpost I’ve had to review the state of my Skorne painting. Previous blog installments show my difficulties in solidifying a Skorne color scheme. My original plan for a Blue Violet scheme encountered difficulties with in consistent color mixing, and difficulty in highlighting my custom color base. Morghoul and the first Cyclops came out cherry! By the time I got to the Titan I was painting blue and my red violet contrast went to the crapper. In the end the miniatures looked like they belonged in a Tzeentch Warhammer army. Unlike the official paint scheme which make it look like they belong in a Khorne Warhammer army. So I switched to a deep rich regal purple and painted up 6 Praetorians. I was pleased they were completed as I continued to look at them they were still off. Originally I really liked the though of Vinter equipping all of the Skorne in True Cygnar Blue as they were sent back to reclaim Cygnar and eventually all of the Iron Kingdoms for Vinter. I still love this fluff reasoning and need to make it happen.

So last night I decided to finally establish a unified color that can easily be painted over black primer. Pulled out a black primed Mangler and experimented with about 6 different color combinations. After the evening I’ve got a patchwork painted Mangler and a solid attack plan for the rest of the Skorne, and eventually my Magnus Agenda army. I’ve also started a paint work journal. A few months ago I picked up a Bristol sketch book (journal size) and I’m starting to write down paint recipes, along with painting in blocks of the color next to the recipe. This should hopefully make it easier for me to return to previous paint work much more easily after taking breaks.


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