Resetting the Paint Drive
I’ve now set the Skorne painting for GenCon to the side and I’m starting to work up the items for the painting competition. I’ve been trying to get back into higher end painting mode by finally finishing off the Spring Reaper mini exchange assignment (now officially 6 weeks late) but that was not quite revving me back up as I expected. The reaper assignment painting is finished, just need to do a bit of base work. If I get time to take pictures I’ll throw them up here before it hits the mail tomorrow.
Monday night I had severe difficulties sleeping so I sat back at the painting table and really laid into a figure. I pulled out Kaya the Bounty Hunter from the Reaper Warlord line. I’ve had this figure for probably 3-4 years, primed and sitting around. Started about 9:30 and quickly 2.5 hours had flown by. For the first time in about a year I was really enjoying the painting process. No stress, just working the figure. She’s still is not done but now she just needs to have the little bit of metal armor finished off and then work on all the little details of the fig, pouches, scroll, weapons, etc. Yes I’m aware that I need to get working on the GenCon Comp pieces but I think I needed this, to reset my paint drive. Now she will sit to the side until after the GenCon painting is completed
Last night I sat down with King Vinter Realthrorn IV from the Privateer Press IKRPG line. I’m currently planning to submit him in to the Privateer Press Painting Comp. I spent time looking over the "Lions Coup" comic and scenarios from No Quarter for inspiration, and decided on extremely dark blue armor with, Bronze trim, Royal Red Cape and some green alternate light source highlighting from the accumulator in his sword. Launched into painting him and so far I'm pretty displeased with the product. I really liked base/shadow coat I had for his armor but as I started highlighting up to base coat and then highlights the coloration was coming out more dark lavender than dark blue. As I started working on the face I think I’ve ended with too great of a contrast from shadow to highlight with insufficient coloration in between. Luckily none of this is game breaking. If I re-base the armor I won’t lose significant details, and I think a thin wash on the face will salvage my efforts there.
Monday night I had severe difficulties sleeping so I sat back at the painting table and really laid into a figure. I pulled out Kaya the Bounty Hunter from the Reaper Warlord line. I’ve had this figure for probably 3-4 years, primed and sitting around. Started about 9:30 and quickly 2.5 hours had flown by. For the first time in about a year I was really enjoying the painting process. No stress, just working the figure. She’s still is not done but now she just needs to have the little bit of metal armor finished off and then work on all the little details of the fig, pouches, scroll, weapons, etc. Yes I’m aware that I need to get working on the GenCon Comp pieces but I think I needed this, to reset my paint drive. Now she will sit to the side until after the GenCon painting is completed
Last night I sat down with King Vinter Realthrorn IV from the Privateer Press IKRPG line. I’m currently planning to submit him in to the Privateer Press Painting Comp. I spent time looking over the "Lions Coup" comic and scenarios from No Quarter for inspiration, and decided on extremely dark blue armor with, Bronze trim, Royal Red Cape and some green alternate light source highlighting from the accumulator in his sword. Launched into painting him and so far I'm pretty displeased with the product. I really liked base/shadow coat I had for his armor but as I started highlighting up to base coat and then highlights the coloration was coming out more dark lavender than dark blue. As I started working on the face I think I’ve ended with too great of a contrast from shadow to highlight with insufficient coloration in between. Luckily none of this is game breaking. If I re-base the armor I won’t lose significant details, and I think a thin wash on the face will salvage my efforts there.
Sounds like glazes will be your friend.
Aaron, at 11:34 AM, July 25, 2007
Indeed I just to make sure to avoid any references to "glazed faces" in the post.
Stahler77, at 12:57 PM, July 25, 2007
Bah! Ignore those simpletons and their taking of easy jokes because they can't come up with anything more original than Mom jokes on their own.
Aaron, at 1:32 PM, July 25, 2007
Says the man whose last dig on the e-mail list was a "mom joke"
Stahler77, at 7:22 AM, July 26, 2007
That was a reference to a story Rob likes to tell re: a Cricket (I think) game.
Aaron, at 10:04 AM, July 26, 2007
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