The Disorderlies Painting Blog

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Cynwall Comments, Please

So, here's what I was thinking of for a 400 point force. I don't have most of these models yet, but soon, they will be mine. I think I should be able to get them done by August, I hope - and I should be able to use them for Dogs of War, too.

1 x Maneran + 20 points of artifacts
1 x Musician
1 x Standard Bearer
3 x Akhamials
1 x Dragon
1 x Asadar
1 x Veteran w/Sabre




  • How about telling us what your plans are in dealing with certain types of armies?

    IE -

    The Horde Army (Goblins, Mid-Nor, Kelts)
    The Heavy Magic Army (Lions, like you usually play them)
    The Fear Army (Acheron but possibly also Wolfen these days)
    And those damn Dirz.

    By Blogger Robert Allen , at 5:18 PM, April 04, 2006  

  • Well, the Horde armies are gonna be sucking a Large Fire STR10 Heavy Arty template.

    The troops all get a boost from the Dragon's aura (+1 STR and RES). Much relies on the Dragon being able to do some serious harm, which is should be able to, as it swoops in from higher altitude levels to drop templates on most foes. Otherwise, I'll have to try and limit 1-on-1 combats and try to gang up on models. The dragon has a 9 fear, which seems pretty good to me.

    I don't really think this army is very competitive, but I think it will look good on the table.

    By Blogger Aaron, at 5:26 PM, April 04, 2006  

  • I know nothing of how Cynwall operates in the game. But you do have a bunch of pretty looking miniatures there.

    By Blogger Stahler77, at 7:18 AM, April 05, 2006  

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