The Disorderlies Painting Blog

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Aaron's Khador

Ok, so here's what I need to do for Khador and approximate progress:

Karchev - 10% complete - only 1 layer of Red so far
Kodiak 1 - 10% complete - only 1 layer of Red so far
Kodiak 2 - 0% complete - needs to be primed
Behemoth - 0% complete - needs to be primed
Mortar 1 - 5% complete - steel metals started
Mortar 2 - 0% complete - needs to be primed
Bezerker 1 - 85% complete - Reds done - need more metal work
Bezerker 2 - 85% complete - Reds done - need more metal work
Widowmakers - 10% complete - needs Reds, Metals and Browns
Grey Lords 1 - 5% complete - needs lots of work
Grey Lords 2 - 0% complete - Priming complete, ready to start painting
Manhunter - 5% complete - metals in progress

I'd like to add a non-epic Sorscha to the painting que as well as the epic Vlad and some Doom Reavers. There's a lot of work to do, me thinks.



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