Vinter Follow up
King Vinter Realthorn, my planned entry for Privateers painting competition has been thrown in the back of the painting desk to be handled at a later date. What I thought was a great deep blue armor turned out to have a few really got highlighted armor plates, and a lot of crap. A glaze my fix the problem, but I'm not concerning myself with him prior to GenCon anymore. Now I'm looking submitting Apollo Demi-God from Wargods Olympus into the painting comp, as well as possibly a Reaper Warlord fig that keeps getting my attention.
Kaya the bounty hunter, I started on her late one night, and worked the paint job into the early morning due to some minor insomnia. Just was working on her to pass the time, and figured I'd get back to her after GenCon, but the figure keeps ending up in my hands getting more and more details and hihglights painted up and finished...
Kaya the bounty hunter, I started on her late one night, and worked the paint job into the early morning due to some minor insomnia. Just was working on her to pass the time, and figured I'd get back to her after GenCon, but the figure keeps ending up in my hands getting more and more details and hihglights painted up and finished...
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