The Disorderlies Painting Blog

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Once again.. No pictures!

So once again I'm posting without pictures.. with the "I'll get to it later" attitude.

But this time I do have an eye witness that some pictures exist.. they just arn't the greatest.

Since I have moved, I have managed to set up a dedicated painting area and have steadily been working on things (go me!). Most of it has been Re-working the Circle for Rob since it was rushed for GenCon and after the fact, I wasn't very happy with how a lot of them turned out.

First up on the block has been Morvahna and Baulder. Both have had a major reworking of colors and highlights. Rob has already seen a crappy before image and a decent after image. I'll post them when I get a chance. A lot of the clean up on them has started being contrasts and breaking up the overall drab coloring I had on them. I've even etched in a little (very very little) free hand on the clothes. The other major overall is the bases. I've moved them up to the woodland bases and with some cleaning up are coming out nice.

Other projects:

Trollbloods - I want to give them the Post-GenCon clean up after I'm done with the circle. I have finally decided on a Theme for them. I'm going to work them up to be Native American Blackfoots. More info on that as it comes.

Menoth - thanks to the power of Ebay I have in my possession a nice core Menoth force which is currently soaking in Simple Green. Once they are stripped down, I need to decide on a theme for them..

Skorne - Still in queue but back of queue. I don't want to put any time into them until I finish up the Circle. I have to say though, Zaal is looking like an interesting caster...

FoW - (played my first game, ready for more) Bases for the soviets and painting.. It's a lot of DAMN infantry... Lots of infantry..


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