Sunday Download.... Now with Pictures!
Due to some recent bitching from some unnamed members of this blogging community I gave up on painting this evening and just addressed working on some pictures to share.

First Boomhowler, I snapped the pictures a few weeks ago but never got around to cleaning the pic up and getting it online. Base still not finished but decided to load this one up.

Second is Master Tormentor Morghoul from the Skorne Warpack set. I'll be posting tomorrow about the weekend progress.

First Boomhowler, I snapped the pictures a few weeks ago but never got around to cleaning the pic up and getting it online. Base still not finished but decided to load this one up.

Second is Master Tormentor Morghoul from the Skorne Warpack set. I'll be posting tomorrow about the weekend progress.
I dig the skin on Boomhowler and the dark armor on the Skorne. I really like the Skorne models, but struggled to come up with a paint scheme other than red (I've got enough of that to paint, as-is).
Now get them bases done!
Aaron, at 7:44 AM, May 08, 2006
Actually the Skorne base is done,just doesn't show up well in the photo.
I'm digging the deep Blue-Violet armor on the Skorne, but the effort to get the coloration is intense. Whats really killing me on the armor is the NMM brass trim. Not sure if I'm going to continue with that or not, on the cyclops it may be somewhat overbearing.
Stahler77, at 9:06 AM, May 08, 2006
NMM is hard enough on its own - I can't imagine pulling it off on trim or fillagree - way too daunting for me. Seems like a lot of work for little payoff.
Aaron, at 9:24 AM, May 08, 2006
NMM is difficult but I like to keep doing it, even on trim and filigree just for the practice. NMM weapons are currently the bane of my existence.
I dropped NMM from my warmachine force, I'm including it on the Skorne, and it will likely be droped from the Trollbloods.
Oh yeah... As for struggling with a paint scheme. Color Wheel, play with a decent color wheel and finding paint schemes becomes easier. Not easy, but easier.
Stahler77, at 9:56 AM, May 08, 2006
It's not just the scheme, but colors I 1) want to paint - variety is the spice of life and B) think will look good on the model.
Aaron, at 1:11 PM, May 08, 2006
Morghul looks like a fish.
Robert Allen , at 11:13 AM, May 09, 2006
Damn deadly fish ripping your poor chick Warlock to shreds
Stahler77, at 2:03 PM, May 09, 2006
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