The Disorderlies Painting Blog

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Robert's Tuesday Night Update

Did not make a ton of progress last night - started basecoating the blue on my Cygnar warjacks. Realized that I haven't really thought out the rest of the colors on the things yet....need to do that!

Also got some magnets from Brian (thanks again Brian) to try and use for making my Tyranid Carnifexes weapon-swappable. After about an hour and a half of working with them, I've discovered:

1. Polarity is a bitch
2. These things are too small and fiddly
3. Dammit, I'm going to probably just end up gluing stuff on.



  • I would strongly recommend keeping a spreadheet of the colors you use and in what ratio for your painting. Makes the army that much more cohesive. I never did this until recently, and it is a great help.

    I find if I don't have a guide to go by, I spend a lot of wasted time just figuring out what paint I'm going to use - better to only waste that time once and document it rather than trying to then re-create a scheme on every model.


    By Blogger Aaron, at 9:33 AM, April 05, 2006  

  • Colors I'll track...ratios? Right now I'm just using paint thinned with water and not to a measured ratio. 1:1 water-paint seems way too thin to me, so I'm somewhere more on the paint side.

    By Blogger Robert Allen , at 9:50 AM, April 05, 2006  

  • Depending on the paint, and how "dried out" it us 1:1 with water can be way too much thinning, or not enoough. A brighter blue over black primer will probably require several coats or a thicker paint.

    Aaron: you are assuming he will be doing any highlighting or shadowing. I'm not expecting that just yet.

    By Blogger Stahler77, at 10:23 AM, April 05, 2006  

  • Not really, I also mean if he mixes paint to get a different color.

    I often paint with 1:1 Paint:Thinner. Granted, I almost never use water any more to thin paint - it's all Vallejo Glaze Medium now.

    By Blogger Aaron, at 10:32 AM, April 05, 2006  

  • Aaron: Fair enough I agree in principle, I still doubt he will be mixing many colors. Also water work differently on the paint the glaze medium or Future Floor Wax finish.

    As it is standard thinning ratios typically do not transfer directly over form one painter to another wel. Typically discussing the final desired consistency is more accurate, even if it is less quantifiable

    By Blogger Stahler77, at 10:54 AM, April 05, 2006  

  • Another problem with the paint:thinner ratio I have found is what you are using to mix it on.

    I with an egg shell paint holder my ratio's where a lot different then the flat plate.
    This is because of the exposed paint and drying times I think.

    I haven't tried using a wet palette yet.

    By Blogger Karavak, at 11:03 AM, April 05, 2006  

  • I haven't tried the wet palette yet, either - but I'm intrigued.

    I'm exclusively using the eggshell palettes from Michael's at the moment.

    By Blogger Aaron, at 11:27 AM, April 05, 2006  

  • I'm still going with Ceramic tiles. I wouldn't think the initial ratio would change due to drying times. Ten again I often find myself re-wetting mixes to bring them back to the proper consistency

    By Blogger Stahler77, at 11:38 AM, April 05, 2006  

  • I'm actually using mirrors and ceramic tiles that Tim left me. Thanks Tim!

    By Blogger Robert Allen , at 1:40 PM, April 05, 2006  

  • I'd completely forgotten I used mirrors at one point.

    By Blogger Stahler77, at 2:51 PM, April 05, 2006  

  • Left over from your Coke habit, no doubt.

    By Blogger Aaron, at 3:20 PM, April 05, 2006  

  • The magnets I got for the arms of my warjacks, while small enough, aren't holding the arms on enough that they don't slide around a lot. I'm considering abandoning the whole concept, actually.

    By Blogger PMMDJ, at 3:24 PM, April 05, 2006  

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