The Disorderlies Painting Blog

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

A challenge is a foot!

The most productive painting I have ever accomplished was the spring of 2005. Polished off a Griffon Confrontation Army and did so in a decent amount of time and to a pretty darn good standard. Last Fall/Winter I had a personal challenge to do something similar. It was on a grander scale looking to accomplish about 70ish models for Confrontation, Urban War, and WarGods Olympus. While not going into too many details this was an absolute failure. Models got dropped, replaced; eventually it just became a total model count. This time it’s something new!

Time Frame:
All models must be painted and based (varnished at my discretion) by Nov 1st. All painted models will be put up on the Disorderlies Painting Blog, by Nov 13th.

The Models:
Here’s where it gets interesting. My last personal challenge failed in no small part to my short attention span on gaming company styles. So I’m shooting for 40 base sizes. What the hell is a base size? Well I’m planning to use the handy following formula
WM small base = 1 base size
WM medium base = 2 base sizes
WM Large base = 3 base sizes

If I decide to shoot for some of the big Figs (i.e. Reaper Dragons, Heresy Nether Lord, Tanks, etc…..) I’ll decide a reasonable base size for them at that time. Clearly my interests are focusing on Warmachine/Hordes but I’m leaving myself wide latitude to do what ever I feel like. One slight sideline item: I am including models which I have already started on in this. Nothing I’ve got is so close to completion that it would even matter. Somethings just happen to have a bit of a head start

The Reward:
Who the hell knows, maybe nothing, maybe an increase in my own sense of self worth. Maybe I’ll decide to pick myself up that mistress I keep threatening my wife with. Who knows. But I’ve already started.

Progress to be had?

Well somewhat, but nothing to show for it. First an update on the broken hand, starting “manipulations” at PT, where they get to flex my fingers about while I wince in pain, and the X-rays are looking good. However the important aspect was once I got home and finished cleaning up from dinner. It was the first time in at least a month where I *wanted* to paint. So I sat down and started working on some Everblight shredders and even worked on a Reaper Fig for myself.

I discovered that the Drybrush technique is not coming together for the small Shredders. Not sure what I’ll do about it, I need to push through the Everblight quickly, but I also need them to look good and match the existing ones I started on. Which is odd, I managed the Drybrush technique on the Carnivean and it worked very well. I really hope I can figure it out, otherwise the size of the Seraph and Carnivean will be more than a little daunting.

I’m formulating a challenge for myself on the number of figs I can finish off from August to September. I’ll keep the blog updated on the final details there of…

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Still trying

Well I am sucessfully spending time at the painting desk. Not accomplishing much, but I am starting to get into the routine of at least sitting there for a bit. Still working on a fairly new Werner Sculpt from reaper. Great looking dwarf warrior. Last night i got the face finished off and started up on the chainmail armor. Plan to do those up in a bronze NMM and follow up with some more standard steel NMM for the breatsplate, weapons, etc...

On the upside. I am pretty pleased with my first attempts back at layering paint, and getting a good finished product on faces. More work will be layed down on him over the next few days. Maybe even pictures this weekend.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Mixing paints

As my son was eager to show me last night. 1 part blue paint to 1 million parts water will turn an entire bath tub of water blue... and leave a nasty blue ring around it.

Ok, I'll try to get back to it

Well, I can't say I'm much of a blogger and the reason for the blog was to help keep or get some people motivated. It didn't help me much but mostly for other reasons.

Last few weeks I did have a little painting spurt and got a lot down for me.

I'll try to get some pics up but everytime I have tried to take pictures of things something has gone wrong (lights burning out, batteries dying,etc)

so far I have finished with good to ok bases:

1 troll box warlock (very good level IMHO)
1 troll axer (very good level IMHO)
2 spear chuckers (very good level IMHO)
2 menoth warcaster
1 totem hunter
1 old witch and scrapjack
1 kitrina vlad
1 doomshaper troll warlock

I am also almost done with 5 scatter gunners for my trolls.

I took some time also to get things based and such.

And in my time away from the blog I finished up almost all of Robs drunes (which he was suppose to take origins and will probably never see a game).

It's not quite Dead Yet

In an effort to keep this painting blog moving, as it seems everyone else has dropped it like the few month old dead fish it is....

Cracked some paint open last night, despite a long ass day at work and an even longer commute home. Nothing like those 3 hour drives home to make me gald I moved to BFE but still work in Alexandria. By "cracked some paint" I mean I got about 7mm^2 on flesh base coated and dark lined. But i did it, and I want to do more. Hopefully tonight, but i'm probably looking at getting about as much painting done tonight, maybe a touch more.