The Disorderlies Painting Blog

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Post Gen Con state of Painting

I'll follow Brians lead on this one...

With GenCon out of the way I'm more primed than ever to do some high quality painting.
What are my new goals?

"Display pieces"
I'm not sure what the name of this should be but these are becoming my new focus. High end painting for the sake of high end painting. I've got a plethora of figures I want to paint and they are up on the butcher block. I'm shooting for 3-4 high quality figures a month, roughly one a week.

Gaming Pieces
Thanks to my push to get fully painted for the Nationals tournament I'm close to completion on my Skorne figures. One full unit of Cetrati, 2x Warbeasts, and a unit of Praetorians. A little more than I would like but not awful. I'm also not bringing on Infinity into my interest, but I think those figures are going to mostly fall into the "display piece" column.

And so it begins

GenCon is over... let the painting continue.

With the tips and tricks picked up, I have started looking at my painting goals again.

The general goals

Improve the looks on bases. The cork rock and flock is going to be improved.
  • Menoth army will be on desert bases. This will be tricky to make them more interesting
  • Trollbloods. Will stick with the cork/rock and flock bases but will try to work out the smoothing of the rock. Perhaps using putty to make the rocks more.
  • FoW Soviets. I picked up some Spackle to follow some guides I have read on the web and in the book. Worked up my first base and will see how it looks after the painting. I'm going to go for a mix of base types on them from minor ruins to muddy fields.
  • Skorne. Blood wastes seems like cracked dryied land. Going to go sculpted bases on these guys. This will probably be the most involved basing project.
Complete Army
  • Trollbloods. Thanks to the 750x4 armies Tourney I have my trolls about 95% done. I'm going to keep the push forward on them and get them finished up before the new releases.
  • FoW Soviets. For some reason, I want to have these guys painted before playing with them. One thing about FoW Armies is they really look good with good bases. The paint jobs are important but it seems the bases are more important. Overall these guys will probably be easy to paint. The first test piece, a light mortar, will be done shortly.
  • Khador. I have so much still in boxes that my goal is to get them finished up. True, I think I'll start to back burner them as I move the Menoth up but as far as painting they will stay before the Menoth.
  • Menoth. White? off-white? Note sure.. Haven't settled on a look for them.
  • Skorne. Low on the painting list right now. So much is going on with Trolls..

Friday, August 03, 2007

Vinter Follow up

King Vinter Realthorn, my planned entry for Privateers painting competition has been thrown in the back of the painting desk to be handled at a later date. What I thought was a great deep blue armor turned out to have a few really got highlighted armor plates, and a lot of crap. A glaze my fix the problem, but I'm not concerning myself with him prior to GenCon anymore. Now I'm looking submitting Apollo Demi-God from Wargods Olympus into the painting comp, as well as possibly a Reaper Warlord fig that keeps getting my attention.

Kaya the bounty hunter, I started on her late one night, and worked the paint job into the early morning due to some minor insomnia. Just was working on her to pass the time, and figured I'd get back to her after GenCon, but the figure keeps ending up in my hands getting more and more details and hihglights painted up and finished...

Thursday, August 02, 2007

13 days and counting

Wow - Gencon is right around the corner.

Here's what I'm working on:

Dark Age (all need to be painted, but I have the scheme documented already):
St. Mark
2 x Shades
2 x Strikes
2 x Banes
1 x Bane Grenadier

This is my priority to get painted, and I think that is likely.

Infinity (all need to be primed and inked, at the least - painted if I am able to get the DA stuff done before next weekend):
6 x Zhanshi
1 x Shaolin monk

Just trying to get my figs primed and inked.

I've got a fair bit before me, but I think it is manageable. That being said, work is kicking my ass right now - I'm super busy, and that sucks.