The Disorderlies Painting Blog

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Dark Age Excursion

So I've been hammering on my Dark Age the last week or so to get a demo force painted up and submitted (legacy of Rob and my's involvement in their demo team). I've got 7 minis about 2 highlights and basing away from complete - they will be finished up tonight.

After that, it's back to Circle. Here's the tentative order of things:

10 x Wolves
6 x Druids
8 x Wolves
8 x Wolves

then Tharn as I get them prepped and ready for paint.

Also on deck is a superstar squad of APAC Enforcers and an Arashi - hopefully moving to a full 750-point force for Gencon.

In the hole are 200 points of Infinity minis.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

TrollBloods progress

Champions 95% done over the past week or so.

Pygs now have the base coat for the skin down and the bases worked on a little.

One thing I noticed recently is that for me is that I need to finish a figure before moving on to different things. If I lose the momentum of painting the figure, it just is easier for me to go back and prime it and start all over.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Yeah about that making good progress thing....

So last Tuesday I indicated I've got 18 days to finish a long list of crap. For convieneince the list follows

6x Acolytes + Spawning Vessle
6x Striders
5x Warmongers

In the past week I have accomplished...

none of that?!

Yup I have not even sat at the painting table in the past week. Maybe I'll get back on track this week, maybe I'll take up Brian's apathy, we shall see.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Brian's painting

A lot to paint
GenCon is getting closer
Lacking motivation

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

GenCon Painting Event Happiness

Well the ramp up to GenCon continues. NQ #12 has the rules for entering the Privateer press painting Comp and GenCon has had their rules up for awhile. I’m still doing some practice work before starting up on the competition pieces, but I expect to start going whole hog on the by Mid June. This month I’m finishing off some work for Rob so he has the option of taking everblight to the Tourney, not too mention finishing off our previously agreed to Primal painting deal.

Yesterday saw registration for Events go active and I got myself registered for all sorts of good painting class happiness. The only session I did not manage to get was Jeremie Teboul’s class on Blending Washes and Glazes. Not the end of the world, particularly as I have so many other interesting classes signed up for.

Eric Louchard
Title: Introduction to Freehand Techniques
Event Start Date: 8/19/07 8:00 AM

Eric Louchard
Title: Simulated Lighting Effects
Event Start Date: 8/17/07 8:00 AM

Amy Brehm
Title: Painting Faces with Makeup
Event Start Date: 8/17/07 8:00 PM

Jeremie Bonamant Teboul
Title: Metallics - TMP vs. NMM
Event Start Date: 8/18/07 10:00 AM

Jennifer Haley
Title: Flesh and Faces: Miniature Painting Techniques
Event Start Date: 8/17/07 4:00 PM

Jennifer Haley
Title: Purple and Teal, Black and White
Event Start Date: 8/18/07 4:00 PM