The Disorderlies Painting Blog

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Been a long time coming

So it appears Blogger violates a few corporate IT use policies. So my workday ramblings are officially over. However I have been working with a new photography set up, including a new camera, and it seems to be working fairly well. I doubt I'll spend alot of time re-photographing old figures for comparison, but so far I'm liking the results.

Unfortunately this is really showing off some of my faults. Below is a fig my wife asked me to paint up for her, back in March and I just finished it last week, I guess I need to improve on my turn around time huh?

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Progress on some things (no pics)

Got some painting going on, got some basing going on. But no pics right now.

I have finished up Baulder and I like how he came out. I noticed that I'm not doing as much blending as I use to do but have been focusing on getting a clean paint job on. I think I'm going through a re-learning process with these guys.

I have finished basing up my soviets and will toss some pics up soon. I took the putty and put it on all the bases and then pressed the figs in. It actually took a lot less time that way then gluing them and then trying to put the putty down.

I also have a few other side projects going on including making up the Trollbloods tokens for hordes. I used the background that I found for the primal tokens and made them up for evo. So now it's time to get some more games in with the Evo stuff.