The Disorderlies Painting Blog

Friday, November 30, 2007

Hordes Photo's

HAH! Finally.

I'm still working out the details of the camera but it seems if I take the pics early in the day when lots of sun is coming in.. they don't suck so bad.

First up. The Baulder WIP post Gen Con update.

Before WIP
I'm adding more contrast with the browns. Still keeping him earth toned. I'm working on the eyes and face right now and bouncing between area's so I don't overload a spot and get tired of it.

I also have toned down the metal on him a lot. With all the druids I'm going more stone and bone for amulets and extras.


Before After 1 After 2

Like with Baulder, more stone amulets. I added some color and shading to the cloak. I tried to do some free hand but it wasn't coming out so I tired to blend it in. But it got to the point I was focusing on it too much so took a break.

Flesh tones need work. But not sure how much I can do on her right now. One thing I noticed.. Finish the faces. Eyebrows and lips help the face seem more complete.

Now for some work in progress stuff.

Bog Trog WIP

This skin tone is darker than I want but it's just the base coat. I'll be working it up to a lighter shade of green but not as green as PP has them.

I like how the eyes have come out.

On the block, Infinity figures that I'm painting up for another friend

I have filed down the very few lines on the figure and the casting was really good. Going to cut the tab off and pin it up and then give it a bath here shortly.

First thing I'll do is work on the base. Friend wants them woodland camo so I'm guessing it's going to be some woodland bases.

- Pygmy Tribesman

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Once again.. No pictures!

So once again I'm posting without pictures.. with the "I'll get to it later" attitude.

But this time I do have an eye witness that some pictures exist.. they just arn't the greatest.

Since I have moved, I have managed to set up a dedicated painting area and have steadily been working on things (go me!). Most of it has been Re-working the Circle for Rob since it was rushed for GenCon and after the fact, I wasn't very happy with how a lot of them turned out.

First up on the block has been Morvahna and Baulder. Both have had a major reworking of colors and highlights. Rob has already seen a crappy before image and a decent after image. I'll post them when I get a chance. A lot of the clean up on them has started being contrasts and breaking up the overall drab coloring I had on them. I've even etched in a little (very very little) free hand on the clothes. The other major overall is the bases. I've moved them up to the woodland bases and with some cleaning up are coming out nice.

Other projects:

Trollbloods - I want to give them the Post-GenCon clean up after I'm done with the circle. I have finally decided on a Theme for them. I'm going to work them up to be Native American Blackfoots. More info on that as it comes.

Menoth - thanks to the power of Ebay I have in my possession a nice core Menoth force which is currently soaking in Simple Green. Once they are stripped down, I need to decide on a theme for them..

Skorne - Still in queue but back of queue. I don't want to put any time into them until I finish up the Circle. I have to say though, Zaal is looking like an interesting caster...

FoW - (played my first game, ready for more) Bases for the soviets and painting.. It's a lot of DAMN infantry... Lots of infantry..

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Iron Painter Round 2 Entry - OSL

So here's my entry for round 2 of the Wyrd Mini's Iron Painter competition - the theme was Object Source Lighting - something I've not attempted before. I'm pretty happy with how the mini came out - and also how the picture quality has improved. The big change comes from dropping my ISO WAY down (from 800 to 200) and increasing my shutter speed to 1.6 seconds, which is stupidly long. But it works.

I did screw up one thing in my picture setup this go - I forgot to turn off the overhead lights in the room, so the extra ambient light makes the base look much lighter than it really is.