The Disorderlies Painting Blog

Monday, June 25, 2007

Time for the Happy Jig!

Friday afternoon saw the last coats of Varnish on Rob's Legion of Everblight force! I danced a Jig, I spilled a pint of Whiskey down my throat and I celebrated as the ancient pagans celebrated.

Now I've got new targets to work up for Gen Con

Titan Gladiators: Once needs touch ups to match the new Skorne paint scheme and one needs everything but the flesh tones painted. Both of these should be doable in one week total

Bronzeback Titan: Has been assembled (dear god is he a pain to assemble) and should be done with a week's worth of attention.

Infantry: I'm looking at needing about 8-11 infantry painted up. These should take about a week as well.

Painting Comp Pieces:
This leaves me about 4 weeks to finish off my comp entries.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Next Load up Pigment… COMING UP!

Another fun evening of painting fun, (Yeah fun… that’s it. Damn Everblight). Once I got a look at the armor I so happily finished Monday night I realized it was much too dark for a good platinum armor. So another highlight later and the platinum armor is finished to my exacting specifications. Those specifications are currently yes there is Damn paint on the mini!

Last night I finished off the Boots and the leather Straps, Tonight I’m looking at Spikes, buckles and facial details. Once those are done the Warmongers will be completed. This leaves the spawning vessel (AKA Cauldron) And after looking that over I should be good to go. So I’m thinking I should flush out the Everblight tomorrow night!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Huge Haul from the Pigment Mines

So as my last post indicated I started down a path ripe with the potential for insanity. Planned to finish off 2x Warbeasts, 12 small base infantry, 5 medium base infantry, and a cauldron, basically in 2.5 weeks. So far progress is…. Acceptable!

Last week was the most difficult wall to breach 12 figures and the cauldron; and I managed to at least get through it, if not completely tearing down the wall. I’m left with a cauldron from last week, which really isn’t a deal breaker, particularly as the progress for this week is already looking pretty solid. 5x Medium based infantry (Everblight Warmongers) with all skin tones and armor finished. Leaving me with spikes, facial details, and leather straps left to paint.

Still on target except for that damn Titan Gladiator taunting me from the end of the painting table… Damn him!

Friday, June 15, 2007

And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see

Hark, it must be a sign of things to come I swear.

I still have not put the basing mix together yet so bases are not done but...

Druids = Done

Mad cow = 50%

Woldwatchers/wardens.. small things = starting of the base coat.. these guys will be easy.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Cable is back and progress is stopped!

The madness has gone away, and the modem has been fixed so...

But actually progress was still made.

Druids = 85%

Both woldwatchers are together and primed

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Internet connection out.. Progress is made.

A few more days of this and madness will ensue...

Bases are still not done on the other things. Going to just do them in a big batch

Druids = 75% done

Mad cow = 25% getting the base coats on.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Back at the Pigment Mine!

So this weekend saw me getting back into the pigment mine and knocking out some work. Saturday morning I spent ripping up a Blackberry bush which had over taken a good portion of the front of my house. This carried on to more landscaping projects lasting about 4 hours, actually until I could no longer work in the shade. By about 2:00 the sun started shinning on the front and side of my house and suddenly it went from a lovely day outside to. ZOMG THE SUN IT… BURNS!!!!!!

So back inside I went and started throwing down the pigment on my past due Everblight figs. I say past due because originally I wanted to be finished with this crap by the end of May. Now I’m looking near the end of June to finish them off and I’m swimming in too many figs. This has delayed work on my own Skorne for the National tournament as well as the work on my competition pieces. Saturday afternoon I polished off a Carnivean (Damn it, why am I going to give Rob another one of these f*ers on the table?) as well as a Teraph. Saturday night I started up on the Acolytes and got their skin tones finishes off as well as the robes and cloaks. I expect tonight and tomorrow to finish off the rest of their details and weapons. Then I need to focus to the Spawning vessel and the Striders.

My time table for finishing the Everblight looks as follows. Weeks go from Monday through Sunday.

Last week: Carnivean and Teraph (Check and done)
This week Spawning Vessel, 6x acolytes, and 6x striders, Assemble 5th Warmonger
Next week: 5x Warmongers – Delivery of everything on Saturday or Sunday morning

If I make it through this week everything is golden. If I don’t… well I’ve got no idea what the hell to do.

Productive weekend or How I hate comcast

So, this weekend turned out to be.. not what I expected.

First it was a "this sounds like it will be an interesting weekend", then it was a "Ok, going to be a normal weekend chilling, playing some WoW, doing some painting, and a little productivity", then it was a "Damn it, comcast sucks but guess I'll do something and be productive instead of my regular weekend self". Though the plans got changed, I guess it wasn't a bad weekend really.

This weekends productivity was brought to you by comcast blowing my internet connection 15 minutes after I got home on Friday and it won't possible be fixed till Tuesday.

I have picked up some of the P3 paints and I have to say.. They actually work great for the mood I've been in recently with painting. I am pulling straight from the pot, maybe thinning a little on th e brush with some water and straight to fig. The darker the color the more I will thin it before applying. But I didn't have to pull out the dropper, mix it, thin it, etc. For what I was trying to get done, it got done with the P3's. That is a big seller for now.

The dropper paints I'll use when I want to do the high details, fine work on some models but for a "get it on table" look this worked out great.

So my weekend progress report:

Unit 1 of Trollblood champions = Done. This was done before the weekend but figured I would throw it in.

Unit of Pygmy bushwackers = Done.

Unit of Farrow Brigands = Done. (minus basing but I need to mix up new glue mix for it)

Unit of Druids = started base coating. These guys look like they will be simple, highlighting and shading will really make them with the robes and cloaks.

Troll Axer = 75% done

Assembling of 1 woldwatcher = Done

Assembling of Morvanne = Done.